Dave came across these Marvel Whales t-shirts on Apr 20, 2011. He’s about six years ahead of me because I am only coming across them now. According to Rob Wood, “the ‘collabollection’ was conceived by Steve Anderson aka SevenHundred who suggested that other artist might like to join in.” This is Dave’s post below.
I have no idea how the Marvel Whales started (someone please inform me in the comments!), but a bunch of talented artists is re-imagining some of our favorite Marvel heroes and villains, collaborating on a Marvel Whales mashup which is producing some awesome tees. Being a fan of comic books, comic book art, and the bizarre, we just had to help get the word out. So, here are a few of the best. Hopefully, there will be plenty more coming which I’ll update this post with.
The Next Epic Event… takes place Under the Sea!
After Marvel Zombies and Marvel Apes – why not Marvel Whales?!
Beluganeto T-Shirt based on Magneto by Bamboota
Punishamu T-Shirt based on The Punisher by maclac
Killerpool T-Shirt based on Deadpool by mackiechr
The Marvel Whales below are no longer available on t-shirts, unfortunately.
The ‘collabollection’ (@robpwood [Twitter]) was conceived by Steve Anderson (@Seven_Hundred [Twitter]) who suggested that other artist might like to join in. The saga continues…
Thanks for shedding some light on that, Rob. I just wonder how he came up with the idea!